⚽ kit sponsorship available ⚽ please share
Are you a local business looking at a different way of advertising? Maybe you want to support a local team? We have teams available looking for a companies to sponsor their new match kits. We have a new match kit and team clothing options available.
What we can offer in return is:
⚽ Your business added to our new club website
https://www.southshoreyouthfc.co.uk and new Club App.
⚽Your logo added to the front of the match kit
⚽Your logo added to back of coats and jumpers
⚽Links added to club website and all social media
⚽ Your business promoted with all our parents and any advertising we do at local events and fundraising events.
⚽Every week at matches the teams will wear our club kit with pride and your logo on show at every match.
⚽Invites to all club presentations and events
Please contact Natalie 07511660548 who will discuss different package's.